Taking a break, but I'll be back. Quick updates.
The MTG Buzz Feed
The MTG Community - Top 10 Don'ts [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Magic will die if we don't properly fuel the community. Do your job to grow the game by advocatingĀ these don'ts.
MTG Reporter - Pro Tour Aether Revolt PPTQ: 2nd Place [Jaime Garcia - Sorcerer, Level 40]
Modern season is in full swing. Even though Jaime came in 2nd, he's still able to share some valuable format insight with you.
Standard Fare - Beating the Standard Metagame [Chris Stomberg - Invoker, Level 32]
Want to beat the Standard metagame? You gotta break down what's happening first. Here's Chris's examination of the format.
The MTG Community - Top 10 Set Symbols [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Not all sets are created equal, including the set symbols. Here's a top 10 list up for debate.